The Nazarene Fund Mission
To liberate the captive, to free the enslaved, and to rescue, rebuild and restore the lives of Christians and other persecuted religious and ethnic minorities wherever and whenever they are in need.
Evacuations move people from high-risk areas to secured places. They may be necessary due to natural disasters, industrial accidents, or public safety concerns. Follow official recommendations, stay informed, and prepare for emergencies. Stay calm and keep safety in mind during evacuations.
Rescue Missions
An operation where we relocate people who are in imminent danger of injury or death, people who are escaping enslavement, and/or people whose relocation requires elements of special care ensuring no one comes into physical danger.
Special Cases
Situations where unique assistance is required. Examples of specials cases include funding a surgery for an injured or ill refugee, funding for education opportunities, providing non-routine medical and mental health treatments, providing safe and secure housing for mothers and their children of war, providing support to a former ISIS sex slave who now works with us to transition former captives back into modern life, providing complete support for a twelve-year-old girl in our care who was an ISIS sex slave, and also assisting individuals who are suffering extreme persecution to the point that their lives are no longer safe without our help.
Refugees Moved
Any person who has been forced from their home or fled their home because they are risk of physical harm or persecution.
IDPs Assisted
The Nazarene Fund's Impact in 2024
Operations 2024
Samia’s Story
Samia was born and raised in the Middle East. She has two sisters and three brothers. Tragedy struck Samia early in her life when at the age of six, her eldest brother Bassel began to sexually harass her. With time, her younger brother also picked up the same behavior and began to sexually harass her. Unfortunately, Samia was too afraid to tell her parents, and she dreaded her father. He battled anger issues and used to beat her and her siblings whenever he felt angry
Christian Villages are Still Being Attacked in Northern Iraq
Christian villages continue being targeted and destroyed in Northern Iraq. Turkish forces are targeting Christians along the Iraq/Turkey border in an attempt to create Turkish bases from where they can launch military operations. Since the beginning of 2020, 25 villages in northern Iraq have been emptied because of the constant threat of bombings and destruction. The Nazarene Fund is on the ground helping our brothers and sisters who are displaced and fighting for survival. Please join us in our fight.

Zeinal’s Story
Twelve year old Zeinal, was an ISIS captive for almost five years. He lost both of his parents, was severely wounded during the siege of Baghuz and left for dead by his former captors. After The Nazarene Fund rescued Zeinal, he had several operations to stabilize him, but unfortunately, he took a turn for the worse. Additional surgeries were required to save his leg and his life. Because of you, Zeinal survived and his leg surgery was successful. Thanks to you and The Nazarene Fund, he is now doing well and is in a safe location!
Be a Hero, Donate Today.
For any issues processing your donation, or to make a change to your monthly contribution, please contact us at 972-499-4747 or by email at
What does the logo stand for/mean?:

In 2014, ISIS rolled through the Middle East. As these terrorists entered different cities across the region, they would offer ultimatums to the Christians and Yazidi’s that lived in these cities and towns. The offer they made was this:
Leave your homes or stay. But if you stay, you must convert to Islam and pay a fine, or you would face death.
With help from Muslim neighbors, ISIS would identify the homes and businesses of Christians and then mark their homes and businesses with the nun symbol in red paint.
The Nun
The nun is the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet and equivalent to our letter “N.” The word nun stands for Nasara, or Nazarene which is a term in Arabic that expresses contempt or disapproval.
Once a sign of death…now a sign of hope
Evil terrorists used this symbol as a sign of fear of death and of destruction. But since TNF was founded, it is now a sign of hope, of peace and protection. We wear the nun as a sign of solidarity with our Christian brothers and sisters.
And more importantly, we wear the sign of the Nun to remember our Savior Jesus Christ, the Nazarene. We wear the nun to remember and exemplify our Savior. We are His hands and we are trying to serve our fellow men the way He wants us to serve them, even the least of these
What happens to those that are rescued?
It depends who is being rescued and where they are located. Our goal is to relocate individuals to safety. For instance, in Iraq we work with Kurdish authorities.
The same process happens for Christians that are rescued, but in many cases we also try to help the Christians rebuild their homes. Many Christians want to return to their homelands because their numbers in the region are dwindling quickly. Even with the threats that are present in the region, most Christian’s don’t want to leave and they want to return to their homes and rebuild their lives.
Is Glenn Beck still involved in TNF?
Yes. Glenn is not only the Founder of The Nazarene Fund, but he also sits on the board.
How are my donations used?
Your donations are used to rescue, feed and produce medical care for individuals and families. Funds are also used for modest rebuilding efforts for those who choose to stay in the region.
How do I donate?
You can donate here (Donate) on the website under DONATIONS or at the bottom of every page.
For any issues processing your donation, or to make a change to your monthly contribution, please contact us at 972-499-4747 or by email at
Who do I contact about my account?
Please contact us at: 972.499.4747
How can I get involved?
Please share the story of The Nazarene Fund. Please also consider a donation to help us in our fight to rescue those who need our help. You may also sign up for updates by clicking the “get involved” button, or feel free to share with us your thoughts on what you can do to help The Nazarene Fund.
Are TNF and Mercury One the same thing?
The Nazarene Fund is a proud member of the Mercury One family. TNF is a specialized organization that focuses on rescuing and rebuilding lives in some of the most dangerous places on earth. Although the focus is different, the mission is the same and together TNF and Mercury one work hand in hand to help bless the lives of those in need around the world.