
The Nazarene Fund works to restore the lives of our brothers and sisters who have faced the worst adversities possible.

TNF provides needed food, water, medication and hygiene kits to families and individuals who have been displaced by the horrors of war and ongoing persecution because of their religious beliefs. TNF often provides fuel, generators, blankets, and clothing to those in need.

TNF provides life saving medical attention as well as life changing medical services to individuals who have been rescued or displaced. TNF medical services have included prosthetic limbs and a cochlear implant.



12-Year old Zeinal, was an ISIS captive for almost five years. He lost both of his parents, was severely wounded during the siege of Baghuz

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Afaf and her family are Syrian Christians from Idlib who miraculously escaped extremist fighters who were storming their hometown. Her family was on the run

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Saadiya Shano

Saadiya Shano

7-year old Saadiya Shano, is a Yazidi girl from Shingal, Iraq. In 2014 ISIS captured her with her parents and her 6 siblings; she was

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The Story of Malak

The Story of Malak

The Nazarene Fund reunited 11-year-old Malak with her family after six years of captivity by the Islamic State (ISIS). Malak was discovered by our partners

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Sahira Rescue

Sahira Rescue

In August 2014, 27-year-old Sahira was kidnapped with her son and 20 members of her family when ISIS attacked their hometown in Sinjar. After years

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Martine’s Story

Martine’s Story

“Some people don’t believe in heroes, but they haven’t met my dad.” — Unknown On August 11, 2014, Khudeida Haji experienced a father’s worst nightmare.

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The Nazarene Fund reunited 11-year-old Malak with her family after six years of captivity by the Islamic State (ISIS). Malak was discovered by our partners

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Rita and Rana

Rita and Rana

In 2018, Rita and Rana started to once again regain hope after four years in captivity. Fighters from the Islamic State (ISIS) had kidnapped and

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