The Story of Malak

The Story of Malak

The Nazarene Fund reunited 11-year-old Malak with her family after six years of captivity by the Islamic State (ISIS). Malak was discovered by our partners in late January 2020 at the Al Hol refugee camp where she was held hostage by the wife of an ISIS fighter. Malak was kidnapped with her father, mother, and […]

The Story of the Sawa Family

The Story of the Sawa Family

Robert Sawa Chamoun, a Syrian Christian man who fled from the Syrian war with his wife and 3 kids. They are originally from Hasaka, but they had to leave everything behind and moved to Qameshli because of ISIS invasion. They lived near the Armenian street seeking a secure life, but in October 2019, Turkish army […]

Nightmare Ends for Yazidi Teenage Girl held by ISIS

Nightmare Ends for Yazidi Teenage Girl held by ISIS

Nightmare Ends for Yazidi Teenage Girl held By ISIS A rescue operation freed a 15-year old Yazidi girl after she was held hostage by ISIS for two years. The young girl was sold eight different times and had sustained numerous injuries including multiple broken ribs. On Monday she was reunited with her parents in Iraq. […]

The Nazarene Fund Sends Our Condolences To Our Yazidi Brothers And Sisters

The Nazarene Fund Sends Our Condolences To Our Yazidi Brothers And Sisters

The Nazarene Fund sends our condolences to our Yazidi brothers and sisters. On October 1, Baba Sheikh Khurto Hajji Ismail, the spiritual leader of the Yazidi faith passed away in Erbil Iraq. He was 87 years old. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nadia Murad described Baba Sheikh as a “beacon of light” during a dark chapter […]

Mayada Abo Chewan

Mayada Abo Chewan

Mayada Abo Chehwan was born in 1971 in the District of Hama in Syria. She is married to Walid Daher, a pharmacist and together they have two daughters Nada and Miril. Walid owned a pharmacy in their hometown and was once able to provide a decent living for his family until the civil war erupted […]

Christian Villages are Still Being Attacked in Norther Iraq

Christian Villages are Still Being Attacked in Norther Iraq

Christian villages continue being targeted and destroyed in Northern Iraq. Turkish forces are targeting Christians along the Iraq and Turkey border in an attempt to create Turkish bases from where they can launch military operations. Since the beginning of 2020, 25 villages in northern Iraq have been emptied because of the constant threat of bombings and […]

ISIS is Still Fighting

ISIS is Still Fighting

ISIS is not gone. In fact, in August alone, ISIS launched more than 100 attacks in Iraq. ISIS may no longer control physical territory, but loyal ISIS fighters continue their religiously motivated mission of destruction. The Nazarene Fund is on the front lines helping our Christian and Yazidi brothers and sisters who are victims of these attacks. Please join […]

Sahira Rescue

Sahira Rescue

In August 2014, 27-year-old Sahira was kidnapped with her son and 20 members of her family when ISIS attacked their hometown in Sinjar. After years of suffering in captivity, TNF succeeded in rescuing her and her son and will soon reunite them with their family! The Nazarene Fund will continue to work diligently on rescuing […]

TNF Helps Christian Villagers Evacuate

TNF Helps Christian Villagers Evacuate

Turkish forces have been targeting the Christian village of Sheranish and conducting airstrikes causing the inhabitants to flee for their lives. Sheranish is located in the Kurdistan region near Iraq’s border with Turkey and has been targeted by Turkish forces with ongoing military operations that have been devastating to this peaceful town. Because of the violence […]

Beiruit Explosion

Beiruit Explosion

Lebanon, a small country on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean, is going through one of the worst crises in its history. A massive explosion in the capital Beirut’s harbor has devastated the Christian district of the city, killing more than 200 people, injuring more than 6,000 and displacing more than 300,000. Damages are expected […]

Help Persecuted Syrian's live free and worship safe from persecution.

Men, women, and children in Northeast Syria are facing unimaginable horrors. Extremists are targeting Christians, Muslims, and minority groups, forcing them to endure unspeakable acts of persecution. The Nazarene Fund is helping these persecuted individuals. When you give, you help liberate the captive, free the enslaved, and restore the lives of Christians and other persecuted religious and ethnic minorities in Syria and around the globe.

Photo Source: CNN
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